About us

Fantastic private aviation at a reasonable price

Right from the beginning, the core of X-Flite’s business has been fractional ownership of your own plane. With us you fly on your own private jet, but you never pay for anything unnecessary.

We take you from meetings to more important things

Global crises have taught us to look at the world, our values, and needs in a new way. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned to use remote connections smoothly, which has been a good thing not only in terms of time management, but also the environment. Isolation and then the start of war have reminded us more clearly than ever about what is important in life. We want to meet the people that are important to us. We want to look them in the eye, sense and feel in real life. Authentic encounters, be they with colleagues, customers, or loved-ones, cannot be replaced. We take you to them.

The founders and board members of X-Flite are made up of a group of Finnish entrepreneurs. Our operations are based more than anything on understanding their travel requirements, whose time is money a little more than everyone else. We replace waiting at airports and pointless car journeys with direct flights according to our customers’ schedules. That’s the core of our operations, but at the same time we want to help our customers enjoy life. X-Flite is more than just an airline. We are a community of people who appreciate private aviation and are making their way towards their own goals and successes together in style.


When our plane is in your use, it is truly yours. We believe that the benefits of private aviation can only be realized when the operations are truly flexible and are based on the customer’s needs. We bring the aircraft to the customer and take off when it suits them best. We understand that each journey has different requirements and purposes, but with us each journey is always designed according to the best interests of the customer.


We don’t claim to be reliable. We know that trust is earned with actions, not words. Still, we promise that we will continue to do everything we can to be worthy of the trust our customers place in us. That means that we want to ensure that a trip planned down to the individual detail goes smoothly from the very first inquiry to when the captain thanks the passengers as they return to their home airport. We take care of everything, and if we make a mistake, we fix our mistake. Every time.


Aviation has always been our passion, and we share it with our fractional owners and customers. We also want the cleanest possible future for our children so that they also have the opportunity to enjoy traveling. We use the most energy efficient aircraft in its class in order to minimize our environmental footprint. But that’s not enough for us: we compensate all our flight emissions via the Finnish Reforest service.

Joona Koskela Chief Operating Officer

Joona bought his first plane when he was 19 years old. He is the father of the idea behind X-Flite, an entrepreneur at heart and in soul, and a visionary. Joona has a private pilot’s license, 400 hours of flying experience and a broad view of business aviation. A significant part of his vision and experience has come from his own aircraft rental business and his role as Chief Operating Officer at X-Flite. Joona is a passionate, friendly and flexible person. As a trailblazer of private aviation he is uncompromising in his pursuit of safety and first-class service.

Captain Kantolahti wishes you a safe and comfortable flight

Jussi Kantolahti and his colleagues make sure that X-Flite carries its passengers safely to their destination, whether it’s the business flight terminal in a big metropolis or a small airfield. What’s best is that Jussi’s job is exactly what he dreamt of when he was a young man.

“I was always interested in aviation even at a young age. When I was a kid, I used to play with radio-controlled airplanes. My first experience of actually flying a plane was when I started flying in sailplanes at the age of 16.”

Jussi is one of the most experienced X-Flite pilots. He belongs to a group whose competence and suitability for the position of captain in our company have been examined with careful psychological tests.

After graduating from high school, Jussi completed his national service in the Finnish Air Force. He graduated as a fighter pilot in the early 1990s and during his career has accrued roughly 6000 hours of flight time in both the military and commercial aviation. Jussi has also worked as a flight instructor, air traffic controller, and in airspace management. Jussi retired from the Finnish Air Force in 2014.

“In the years since I retired from the Finnish Air Force I have been mainly working as a flight instructor at Patria. In addition to my work as a flight instructor, I’m really happy that I can continue my career as a pilot here at X-Flite.”

In his free time, Jussi heads for the water. He thinks that there is nothing more relaxing than  sailing his boat on the lakes in the Tampere area.

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Near or far. We take you there, whenever it suits you

Our fractional ownership model provides our shareholders with the benefits of private aviation at affordable prices in the Baltic Sea area. When you have to fly further or you have a larger group  of people, we find the best charter planes on the market at the best price for you. Your  destination is up to you. We will help you.
